DDNS (Dynamic DNS)
Dynamic Update is a method for adding, replacing or deleting records in a master server by sending it a special form of DNS messages. The format and meaning of these messages is specified in RFC 2136.
自譯:DDNS是一種用來新增、替換或刪除Master DNS server中Resource Record Data的方法…相關內容可見RFC文件冊編號2136
==> 文件冊看這兒RFC2136 <==
目前分類:DNS System (7)
- Oct 27 Tue 2009 21:54
- Oct 27 Tue 2009 16:03
DNS (五) Logging
The logging statement configures a wide variety of logging options for the name server.
Its channel phrase associates output methods, format options and severity levels with a name that can then be used with the category phrase to select how various classes of messages are logged.
- Oct 18 Sun 2009 10:23
DNS (四) rndc
在官方說明文件的第三章中的Tools for use with the name server daemon
The remote name daemon control (rndc) program allows the system administrator to control the operation of a name server.
也就是允許遠端控制DNS Server 啦~
- Oct 18 Sun 2009 09:46
DNS (三) Access Control Lists
- Oct 17 Sat 2009 20:41
Transaction SIGnatures (TSIG) based transaction security in BIND. 啥米…有聽沒有懂~繼續往下看囉
- Oct 17 Sat 2009 20:03
DNS (一) Master 與 Slave 架構
- Oct 17 Sat 2009 12:21
DNS (初) 簡易架設
Computers communicate with each other using their IP addresses. But for humans, it is simpler to address a computer using its name.
DNS (Domain Name System) is a distributed database system that guarantees unique computer names worldwide.
It provides computers with IP addresses when a user enters a computer name,and vice versa.
簡單來說…就是為了幫助人…記憶網路名稱(host.DomainName)與網路位址(IP Address)用的,反之也成立喔~ >.<